Mummy : "Nikole.. what happened? what are u thinking??"
Nikole : "thinking what to do when Didi comes out..."
Mummy " arh? what's there to think?"
Nikole "Mummy, I juz want to think.. let me think.."
So we juz leave her alone for the next couple of minutes.. thinking....
Thinking how to share or NOT share her toys?
Thinking if didi is going to 'snatch' Mommy away?
Thinking if she is going to wipe didi's backside???
She is such a sweetheart!
:) we totally have no clue what she is busy thinking.. but to be frank, she starts to get cranky and difficult lately. I've already took leaves for my scheduled c-section next tues.. and she starts to "think" a lot these few days again.
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