Monday, May 14, 2007

Happy Mother's Day to all Mothers

This year marks my first Mother's Day.

Every morning, when I get my 6AM wake-up call from Baby Nikole. I think, "Oh no, I'm so tired, how am I going to make it through another day?" Then, I walk towards her playpen and there she is smiling up at me from the crib - that big grin when she recognizes it's me. No makeup, bad breath, hair sticking up, but when she smiles at me and I feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. ;-)

She smiles at me and my strength is renewed.

She smiles at me and my heart melts.

She smiles at me and we both know that I'm her Mommy.

What a wonderful way to wake up... every day. :-)

Before my baby, I was always one of the women that never really had to have a baby. However, after the birth of my baby Nikole, a love so strong, a love that I never knew existed.

And as a full time working Mother, I cherish every day, every hour, every minute of my time and love with my beautiful baby girl.

Darling, thank you for making me a MOTHER.

It's a miracle and a blessing from God when you become a Mom. Happy Mothers' Day to all mothers.

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