This is what we learn today.. the letter "N".
Ms Paula gave us each a red head band and we went on a drama train to nurse a sick little kitten.
Grandpa and my 3rd Grand-uncle went to Taiwan with my uncle - Jiu Jiu for holiday... they are all scheduled to return home yesterday..
On the morning of their departure day.. around 5 in the morning.. Grandpa got a seizure attack again.. just like that of 2 yrs back..
Nearly scared my 3rd Grand-uncle and my uncle-Jiu Jiu to death …
Grandpa was immediately taken to a Taiwan hospital via the ambulance ...
While my Jiu-jiu make arrangement with Taiwan’s airline and the medical officer there to fly my Grandpa home.. Mummy make all necessary arrangement to have passenger assistance and an ambulance in the airport to transfer Grandpa to the hospital when he landed…
Grandpa is now sleeping at the hospital.....
Mummy brought me to visit Grandpa today...
Nikole : "Ah Gong, why are u sleeping here!"
Ah Gong : "Ah Gong is sick lor..."
Nikole: "Ah Gong, tomorrow u go home to Hougang Ok!"